Top 10 Questions Asked in CCSP Interview

Infosec Train

CCSP stands for Certified Cloud Security Professional. Security is an essential aspect for any organization working on the Cloud. This is one of the reasons why CCSP professionals are in such high demand in the market. Cracking its interview can be a tricky part, 

so here is a list of 10 questions that are commonly asked in the CCSP interview.

Question1: What are the various security controls available for Data Security in Cloud platforms?

Answer:The security controls for Data Security are:

·         Know what you are responsible for

·         Control who has access

·         Protect the data

·         Secure the credentials

·         Security hygiene still matters

·         Improve visibility

·         Adopt a shift-left approach to security

Question2: What are the best practices in Identity and Access Management in Cloud?

Answer: The finest approaches for Identity and Access Management in Cloud are:

·         You must consider Identity as a primary security perimeter

·         Make use of strong passwords

·         Practice Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

·         Don't make use of privileged accounts for daily operations

·         Groups must be used for assigning permissions

·         Don't embed keys into code or instance

·         Access to resources must be audited

Question 3: What are the common security concerns in hosting a PaaS application?

Answer: The common security concerns in hosting a PaaS application are:

·         Interoperability

·         Portability

·         Host Vulnerability

·         Object Vulnerability

·         Access Control

·         Privacy-aware Authentication

Question4: Explain the strategies of BC DR in the Cloud.

Answer: Some BCDR strategies to be considered in Cloud are:

·         Preventing downtime and data loss from complex, multi-generational IT infrastructures with a simplified cloud-based BCDR solution.

·         Taking measures to restore with SLAs, support your recovery time, and point objectives (RTOs/RPOs) in seconds or hours.

·         Automatically testing and validating your ability to recover and provide granular reports to key data protection stakeholders.

·         Engaging the most effective plan to ensure resiliency and minimize service disruption. 

Question5: What is the importance of SLA in the Cloud?

Answer: SLA serves as a future establishment for the provisioning and monitoring of services in cloud computing. Users need SLAs to stipulate their needs regarding quality of service, security, and a backup plan for performance failure.

Question6: What are the various cloud-specific risks induced by moving to a Public Cloud provider?

Answer: The major cloud-specific risks induced by moving to a public cloud provider are:

·         Public Cloud is a shared model, so it allows users with limited control.

·         Considering you are secured and not following any security measures.

·         It is less secure as one flaw in the infrastructure can make the entire system vulnerable.

·         Sharing your data on the public cloud allows them to become the owner of your data.

Question 7: How to ensure the data residency requirements in the Cloud?

Answer: Data Residency requirements usually assert that confidential information should not be stored on remote servers outside the country or state of residency. This can be risky for clients of cloud services or, significantly, web applications. Remote hosting is quite often part of the agreement in all external Cloud or web applications.

Question8: What are some of the key factors to consider while moving to a Cloud platform?

Answer: Some key factors to consider while moving to a Cloud platform are:

·         Complexity

·         Security

·         Internet Bandwidth and Reliability

·         Performance matters

·         Business Impact Analysis

·         Future Migration Needs

·         Production versus development and test

·         Cost and Return on Investment (ROI)

·         Licensing

·         Portability and Interoperability

·         Service Level Agreements

Question9: What are the major factors of concern while opting for a SaaS service?

Answer: The major factors of concern while opting for a SaaS service are:

·         Lack of control: Since the control resides with a third party, everyone is required to use the most recent version of the software applications and cannot put off upgrades or customizations in the features.

·         Security and data concerns:Access management and the privacy of confidential information is a significant concern inCloud and hosted services.

·         Limited range of applications:On one hand, SaaS is gaining popularity; there are yet several applications that don't provide a hosted platform.

·         Connectivity requirement: SaaS is dependent on the internet. So, if your internet service crashes, you will lose access to your software or data.

·         Performance:SaaS may run at a slower speed compared to on-premise client or server apps, so it's worth considering performance when the software isn't hosted on a local machine.

Question10:  What are the various storage types available in the Cloud?

Answer: There are three types of storage available in the Cloud:

·         Object storage,

·         File storage, and

·         Block storage

These are some of the frequently asked CCSP interview questions. If you want to excel in your career in the Cloud Security domain, you can join InfosecTrain for Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP). We offer a wide range of courses with our experienced trainer and are among the leading training providers in the Cloud Industry.

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