Network Security Interview Questions and Answers

Infosec Train

Networks are more prone to Cyberattacks as they are directly connected to the internet. The demand for skilled network security professionals is continuously rising as Cybercriminals keep targeting networks to compromise valuable information assets. If you are applying for a network security job role, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the frequently asked network security questions to present yourself in a better way in front of the interviewing panel.

Here are some of the important interview questions for network security job roles:

1) What do you see as the objective of information security within a business or organization?

Ans: The objective of information security within a business or organization is:

·        Protecting the company's secrets and Intellectual property

·        Protecting clients' and employees' privacy

·        Ensuring the integrity of information and processes.

·        Ensuring that audit logs of activities are available for any investigations as required.

2) Define risk, vulnerability, and threat in network security?

Ans: Vulnerability: A weakness of the system and the absence of a safeguard.

Threat: Something that could pose harm to the crucial information assets.

Risk: Risk is the concept that indicates exposure to the chances of damage.

Risk= Threat * Vulnerability

3) What is the impact of an attack on a computer network?

Ans: If it's an external attack only to disrupt your systems, depending upon your defenses when the attack stops, very little will have happened.

If it's an attack on your internal systems, this type of attack is intended to get something that the attacker thinks is valuable. This kind of attack is more difficult because it can go undetected or completely shut down your network.

4) What are the best ways to prevent a brute force login attack?

Ans: There is various methodology against a brute force login attack:

·        The web application should use an account lockout policy after three failed login attempts. The account gets locked out for a while, and users receivenotification regarding this on email.

·        Web applications should use CAPTCHA.

·        The web application should require the use of strong passwords.

5) What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

Ans: Symmetric encryption applies a single key that requires to be shared among the users who need to receive the message. While asymmetric encryption used a pair of the public-private key for encryption and decryption.

6) What is the salting process, and why is it used?

Ans: Salting is a randomly generated fixed-length value designed to be unique with each user password. To make data more secure, Salt is added with the current password string and fed into the hashing system to create a new hash result whenever a user creates a password.

7) How will you prevent the 'Man-in-the-middle' attack?

Ans: Man-in-the-middle attack can be prevented by following security practices such as using encryption mechanism at wireless access points, changing default router credentials, and using public key pair-based authentication like RSA. VPN providers (Nord VPN, ExpressVPN, Surfshark) are also the best way to prevent a Man-in-the-middle attack because these services encrypt connections and protect us if we are visiting an insecure HTTP website.

8) Which is better from a security perspective, HTTPS or SSL?

Ans: HTTPS is the Hypertext transfer protocol secure, and SSL is the Secure socket layer. We can't say that which is more secure because SSL encrypts the sensitive data in transit over the network, and HTTPS is a secure way of sending data between browser and server. HTTPS is the combination of HTTP with SSL.

Getting familiar with the network security interview questions is essential for preparation, but it is more important to equip yourself with the adequate skills and technical knowledge to stay ahead in this highly competitive market. Join the comprehensive training programs offered by Infosec Train to forge a promising career in the information security domain. 

Check out the latest schedule of our CCNA training course by visiting the following link:

Infosec Train's CCNA 200-301 training course

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