Data and its types


What is Data?

Data is unique pieces of information typically formatted in a specific manner. Data is measured, gathered, reported, and evaluated before being visualized with graphs, pictures, or other analysis tools. Data in its purest form before being cleaned and rectified by scientists is called raw data, which can be a collection of numbers or characters.

Types of Data

Primary Data

Data collected by the scientist, such as surveys, interviews, and tests, are specifically meant to help the researchers understand and solve the study topic, which is primary data.

Secondary Data

As part of organizational record-keeping, data created by massive government institutions, healthcare facilities, and so on are secondary data. The information is then pulled from a variety of data files.

Cross-Sectional Data

A cross-sectional data set is a piece of information gathered by monitoring multiple topics simultaneously (firms, countries, regions, and individuals). A cross-sectional data set is evaluated by comparing variations between subjects.

Categorical Data

Categorical data is a type of qualitative data that can be categorized rather than quantified numerically.

Time-series Data

A time-series data is a collection of information that associates a period with each value. The value can be almost anything quantifiable that is time-dependent, such as pricing, humidity, or the number of individuals.

Spatial Data

Spatial data is the kind of data that refers to a particular geographical area or location, either directly or indirectly. Spatial data, also known as geospatial or geographic information, can quantitatively represent a physical item in a geographic reference frame.

Ordered Data

Ordinal data is a sort of quantitative statistical data in which variables are organized into naturally occurring groups.

There are some measuring scales that are available after gathering all data types, including:

  1.  Nominal: A nominal scale divides data into numerous separate groups without specifying a ranking system.
  2. Ordered: An ordinal scale divides data into distinct types and assigns a ranking to each category.
  3. Interval: An interval scale is a type of ordered scale in which the difference between measurements is significant, yet there is no actual zero point.
  4. Ratio: A ratio scale is an ordered scale in which the difference between the measurements is a meaningful amount, and the measurements have a valid zero point.

About InfosecTrain

InfosecTarin is a premier provider of Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and Data Science training worldwide. So, if you're interested in any of these professions, go to InfosecTrain and gain the skills you'll need to succeed.

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