Hashing vs. Encryption

2 minute read

When we talk about cybersecurity, what are the essential ingredients to consider? It may be challenging to find for those without a technical background, although the specialized or technical vertical frequently emphasizes hashing and encryption.

Most people are familiar with the terms hashing and encryption. Right now, you're encrypting your data which is hashing and encryption. But the question is whether hashing and encryption are the same and what exactly do they mean? How are they different from each other?

What is Hashing?

Hashing is a procedure that uses a hash function to convert your data into a random fixed-length result. There are several reasons to use hashing:

  1. To verify the legitimacy of various types of input data
  2. Used in authentication systems to prevent sensitive data from being kept in plaintext on devices.
  3. It is simple to locate hashed data and avoid errors.
  4. It's a quick and easy approach to keeping large amounts of data safe and secure while ensuring its integrity.

Hashing Algorithm

There are numerous hashing algorithms available to cybersecurity teams who want to hash passwords for storage, including

What is Encryption?

The process of encrypting data using an algorithm is known as encryption. Encryption protocols confuse the data, keeping it unreadable to all, save the intended destination, which possesses the key required to invert the encryption algorithm.

Encryption Algorithm

Today's automated encryption algorithm can make ciphertext impossible to decode with the human intellect. The encryption algorithm includes

Hashing vs. Encryption

While both hashing and encryption secure your data from unauthorized attacks; there are key differences between hashing and encryption:



       Hashing is a one-way key that converts plain text into a unique encoded hash unit that cannot be converted back into a readable form.

       Hashing is commonly used to verify data integrity.

       Hashing is a technique for indexing and retrieving data from a database. The technique is really quick.

       It is more secure.

       Encryption is a two-way key that converts ordinary text into ciphertext, which is illegible but can be decrypted with the appropriate key.

       On the other hand, encryption is designed to safeguard the privacy of small quantities of data while in transmission.

     Encryption transforms data in order to keep it hidden from intrusion.

       It is less secure.



About InfosecTrain

As the world moves toward a digital economy, the sooner you recognize the value of cyber security, the more likely you are to prosper and avoid becoming a victim. Hence, InfosecTrain is here to assist you in that. Check out InfosecTrain.


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