Top Cloud Computing Trends in 2022 that You Need to Know


With the support of cloud computing, we will continue to see a rise in digitization and virtualization of businesses in 2022. Covid-19 will continue to be a driver for enormous cloud computing advancements. One of the essential lessons learned during the last two years is that revolutionary change is possible, especially when driven by necessity. We will surely continue to harness this new openness to flexibility, agility, and innovative thinking as a society, particularly when the focus shifts from simply surviving in a changing environment to thriving in it.

So, let us look at the biggest cloud computing trends in 2022.

  1. Hybrid cloud architecture: Hybrid cloud adoption is a key cloud computing trend in 2022. Its primary purpose is to enable workloads to transfer between private and public clouds. By 2023, the hybrid cloud computing industry is expected to grow to $97.64 billion. Microsoft and Amazon, for example, are investing heavily in this innovation as a product.
  1. Artificial Intelligence in cloud computing: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a cloud computing technology to keep an eye on because it allows for more efficient organizational procedures. Cloud computing platforms improve their efficiency by incorporating AI. Thanks to the framework, they may also readily scale and adapt to changing business needs.
  1. Cloud computing with the Internet of Things: One of the major technologies is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices can use cloud computing because it provides high-speed performance and flexibility. They also offer enough storage space to keep data safe, locate resources, and communicate information among users. The Internet of Things enables us to communicate with one another through any network-connected device.
  1. Making cloud computing services sustainable: The widespread use of unsustainable methods and rising carbon footprints are causing havoc on the ecosystem. To give excellent business value to clients and consumers, an increasing number of enterprises will adopt the sustainable cloud route. Customers are increasingly considering sustainability while evaluating a company.
  1. Skill shortage: IT departments are struggling from a skills crisis, with professionals competent to operate outdated platforms being lost. IT professionals will use high-quality automated solutions and cloud platforms. In 2022, it can be predicted that hybrid and multi-cloud services will continue to grow in popularity. Companies demand their data to be integrated across all of these contexts.

Cloud Computing with InfosecTrain

The usage of cloud computing is not just a trend; it is rather here to stay. With the rapid acceptance of technology in the next few years, a career in cloud computing will be advantageous. So, depending on your intended career path, you can enroll in one of InfosecTrain's several cloud certification training courses and prepare for a lucrative future.

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