Top Penetration Testing Certification Programs

Infosec Train

Every day you read about cybercriminals attacking computer systems and servers to steal everything from passwords to financial information. Cybercriminals generally use loopholes present in computer systems, networks, and applications to get what they want. These vulnerabilities could be due to multiple reasons, such as flaws, and hardware and software design can put business-critical data at risk of exposure. If the system is poorly configured, then it introduced loopholes through which attackers can enter into the system and steal the information. There is a way companies can find out security weaknesses and loopholes present in the computer system, network, and applications before the cybercriminals can. It can be performed through an iterative process known as penetration testing. There are some best certification courses by which you can learn penetration testing and can become a certified penetration tester:

1) Certified Expert Penetration Tester (CEPT):

If you want to advance your pentesting career, in that case, a certification might be the right decision, especially one that gives a hands-on experience and a strong understanding of ethical hacking. An expert penetration tester should have the ability to discover and exploit unknown vulnerabilities in targeted systems. Certified Expert Penetration Tester (CEPT) certification is designed to certify that candidates have expert level knowledge and skills about penetration testing.

2) Advanced penetration testing:

Advanced penetration testing program is developed for those professionals who require advanced pentesting skills and a professional level certification. The experts of the industry have designed the Advanced Penetration Testing Course at Infosec Train. This training will help candidates who are very excited about learning penetration testing and IT security techniques. The candidate will increase experience in Advance Sniffing, Web Penetration Testing, and a lot more about Penetration Testing methods with Kali Linux. This Advance penetration testing training will help you gain an in-depth knowledge of attacking the latest operating systems, such as Windows and Linux, to avoid standard security features, such as locked-down desktops, GPOs, IDSs/IPSs/WAF. It will enable participants to identify vulnerabilities in an unpatched operating system, Break the security of a network or system, and so on.

3) CompTIA pentest+:

This Certification is for intermediate level cybersecurity specialists. CompTIA pentest + covers launching attacks on the system, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, managing, and reporting vulnerabilities on the network. Pentest+ assesses the most up-to-date pentesting testing and vulnerability assessment and management skills necessary to determine the network's flexibility against the attacks. The successful candidate will have the best practices required to customize the assessment framework to effectively collaborate and communicate recommended techniques to improve the overall state of IT security.

How to become a Certified Pentester: 

If you want to become a certified penetration tester, Infosec Train provides all the necessary preparation for the CompTIA Pentest+ and APT certification exam. You can check and enroll in our certification-training to prepare for the certification exam.

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