Steps involved in an advanced penetration testing methodology

Infosec Train

Penetration testing is becoming a common practice in organizations nowadays. The purpose of advanced penetration testing is to identify vulnerabilities in the security posture, raise employee awareness programs, and mitigate the critical risks found within the IT environment. These tests also help management make strategical decisions such as determining security budget and formulating strategies to reinforce the defenses.

Here are the steps involved in Advanced penetration testing methodologies.

1.     Planning and preparation

In this phase, the organization and pen testing team share the information and plan with each other. An agreement is signed by both sides that provide them legal protection. Other than this approach, methodology and scope of penetration testing are determined at this stage.

2.     Scanning/assessment

In this phase, the pen-testing team design a plan, prepares the list of tools, and gather all the information about the target network and vulnerable services. The discoveries are analyzed, and the team decides how vulnerabilities can be exploited.

3.     Exploitation

In this phase, identified vulnerabilities are exploited after the authorization is granted by the client. Pen testers break into the system using the information collected in the previous stages. To exploit the vulnerabilities pen testing team uses various attack vectors, including broken authentication, invalid input, denial of service (DoS), cookie poisoning, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, social engineering attacks, and many more.

4.     Reporting and cleanup

If the pen testing team finds critical security issues during the entire process, it is addressed to the client. The team also shares recommendations to fix those issues. A final report is prepared to contain all the assessment results and recommendations to strengthen the organization's security posture. All the information created during the pen testing process is removed from the compromised system.

The clean up involves the following activities:

·        Removing of the executables, scripts, and files from the compromised system

·        Removing any user account created to reach the target machine

·        Reconfiguring setting back to its previous state


Penetration tests play a crucial role in the security assessment strategy. Organizations must conduct advanced penetration testing at regular intervals to prevent the reputational and financial damage caused by the complex cyber-threats of the modern days.

Learn advanced penetration testing methodologies with Infosec Train

Infosec Train offers an advanced penetration testing course that has been meticulously designed by subject matter experts to take your penetration testing skills to the next level.

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